Helped debunk myths around clinical trials by guiding patients and caregivers in search of information.
Project Phase 1
May – Sep 2023
4 Months
UX Design
User Research
Design System
The PAN Foundation is a leading charitable foundation and healthcare advocacy organization that works to provide access to treatment for under-priveleged patients and empowering patients on their healthcare journeys.
Their team reached out to us to design a responsive micro-site ↗ aimed at empowering individuals to make informed decisions about participating in clinical trials—especially those from minoritized communities.
The diversification of participants in clinical trials is vital to proving drug and treatment efficiency for all patients. However, due to the historical mistreatment and exploitation of black and minority populations, there is an understandable distrust of experimental drugs and treatments.
How might we provide education around clinical trials with the goal of encouraging more participation within diverse communities?
My Contributions
Drove UX strategy by collaborating with content writers to craft a cohesive story and voice when designing the homepage
Crafted a compelling and strategically balanced homepage by facilitating workshops and supporting research efforts, ensuring the voice of the end-user was represented and advocated for
Emphasized the importance of DEI authenticity in site language and structuring, which won us the trust of our stakeholders
Navigation & IA
Based on user interviews, patient pages needed to be easily accessible and humanistic, whereas information relevant to corporate donors came second in hierarchy.
I worked with content writers to craft a story that guides patients and caregivers in, while ultimately encouraging them to sign up to learn more about clinical trials.
For visitors who were unsure of where to look, I designed entry and exit points in the site to allow for someone to jump from one relevant page to the next.
Debunk Myth Quiz
These interactive sections are found throughout the site and I designed them to be quick check-ins and visual resting points for visitors learning about clinical trials. They serve to debunk commonly held assumptions about clinical trials that prevented them from taking the next step.
Lack of branding from 3rd party study blocked us from designing with higher fidelity visuals and finalized content. We instead relied on using stand-in copy and gray boxes to lock down the UX and structure of the site.
The PAN clinical trials micro-site was unveiled on September 8th, 2024. Metrics around site traffic and email signups are TBD.
Updated 07.2024
© Zixing Guo 2024